It’s that time of the year again, when we ask all our stadium technology professionals to share their insights by taking our annual Stadium Connectivity Outlook survey! And I’m here to tell you today that while the deadline for replies is not tomorrow — or the next day — the time for you to take the survey is NOW!
If you are one of our readers who is directly involved with the selection, deployment or approval of in-venue technology deployments (and this can be an in-house or outside consultant role), I ask — help us here at Stadium Tech Report help your peers by taking the survey, which is live now on our site. Like last year, it is short and can be taken on your phone, in just a few minutes’ time.
And taking it right now is the best thing for all concerned. As football season preparations start intensifying, and other venues are using team downtime to get crucial stadium technology projects done, I realize that being busy is an everyday thing. But so is being part of the stadium technology community, where sharing information is a kind of birthright. Most people I know in this business always have time for their peers who need help. So why not take a few minutes RIGHT NOW and help a whole bunch of friends at once?
This year, the team here at Stadium Tech Report got our act together early, in the hopes of getting survey results and analysis out this fall. But we can’t do anything without your responses, and the sooner we get them the better so… TAKE THE SURVEY NOW and then call a few friends to tell them to take it too. The more respondents, the better the information.
As always, survey takers not only get to bask in the glow of having done a great thing for their peers by sharing their insights, they also get a free copy of the full survey results as well as our white-paper analysis. We also still have some cool Stadium Tech Report hats for those who want them, plus we are working on a plan to bring out some exclusive content that will be available ONLY to survey respondents. More on this soon, but for now TAKE THE SURVEY as soon as you can.